jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

What are you doing? (Present progressive)

Interesante role play donde podemos ver el uso del presente progresivo "What are you doing?" usando varias personas. ¡Espero que lo disfrutéis!

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020


1) Watch the video about Shakespeare´s Biography in the blog.

2) Read Shakespeare´s Biography.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. His father, John, was a glove-maker. His mother, Mary, was a farmer’s daughter. He had two older sisters, two younger sisters and three younger brothers.

William probably studied Latin, Greek and history, and left school when he was 14 or 15. Three years later he married Anne Hathaway. They had a daughter called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet. Sometime before 1590 he left Stratford and went to London, the capital city of England.

London’s first theatre opened in 1576. Shakespeare worked in London as an actor and then started writing plays too. In 1593 the plague, a terrible disease, killed thousands of people and theatres were closed. During this time William started to write poems instead of plays. His short poems are called sonnets.

Shakespeare helped build a new theatre called The Globe. It opened in 1599. It was round and had space for 3000 people. At The Globe some people stood in front of the stage and others had seats. The audience shouted, clapped, booed and laughed while they watched plays. Musicians created special noises to make the plays more exciting and they had a cannon to make big bangs! No women acted in Shakespeare’s time: men and boys played all the parts.

Shakespeare wrote comedies with happy endings, like A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He wrote tragedies which had sad endings, like Romeo and Juliet. His history plays are about kings and queens, like Henry V. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays, maybe more. He loved language and invented new words and expressions that we still use today.

William became rich and famous. He had houses in London and in Stratford. He died when he was 52 on 23 April 1616. His plays and poetry were very popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today. People all over the world love his work because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people.

3)Write the words under the pictures

4) Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer.

5) Put the sentences in order.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

English Conversation: Lesson 01

Answer the questions:

a) Where does Elena come from?

b) How many brothers and sisters has Elena got?

c) Who is Victor?

d) How long is Elena´s English course?

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Easter Holiday

¡Aquí podéis conocer The Easter Holiday! ¿Queréis saber de dónde viene la historia del Conejo de Pascua y la caza de huevos de colores?

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Twelfth Night


Romeo and Juliet

A Midsummer night´s Dream

Much Ado About Nothing


Happy World Theater Day

William Shakespeare´s Biography

¡Buenos días! Aprovecho que hoy es el día mundial del teatro para dejaros los vídeos que tanto os gustan en las clases de inglés sobre Shakespeare y algunas de sus obras. ¡Espero que disfrutéis!

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Activity 11: Have to

Have to / has to (obligación)

Aquí se os presenta la explicación de HAVE TO / HAS TO. Es un verbo semi-modal que expresa obligación en su forma afirmativa y no obligación en su forma negativa DON´T / DOESN´T HAVE TO. La forma interrogativa necesita el auxiliar "do" delante del sujeto. Debemos ver el vídeo hasta el minuto 8 que es donde termina de explicar el tiempo presente.


You have to study everyday.

He doesn´t have to wear a school uniform.

Do they have to listen to the teacher?

Activity 10: Can affirmative,negative and interrogative

Activity 9: can or can´t

Modal verb: To can

Aquí os dejo un vídeo explicativo del verbo modal "to can" que significa poder. Está explicada su forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Activity 8: countable and uncountable noums.

Countable and uncountable noums

Aquí os dejo un vídeo con lo nombres contables e incontables. Hay cosas que se pueden contar (chairs, apples, cats,...) pero hay otras que no (water, milk, bread, cheese,...)

Acordaros que también usamos el some y el any para los incontables como, por ejemplo:

Give me some water, please.

Recordad también que utilizamos a/an (un/a) para los nombres contables como, por ejemplo:

I can see an elephant.

Actitivy 8: some and any

Some and any

Activity 7: there´s and there are (affirmative, negative and interrogative).

Is there? and Are there?

Para preguntar si hay algo utilizamos el there´s y el there are en su forma negativa. Para ello invertimos el orden:

There´s = Is there?

There are = Are there?

La respuesta a estas preguntas serán:

Yes, there is / No, there isn´t. (para una persona animal o cosa)

Yes, there are /No, there aren´t (para más de una persona, animal o cosa)


- Is there an apple? Yes, there is / No, there isn´t.

- Are there three bananas? Yes there are. / No, there aren´t.

There isn´t and there aren´t

Para formular el there´s (HAY para una persona, animal o cosa) y el there are (HAY para más de una persona, animal o cosa) en negativo, siempre ponemos NOT tras el verbo "to be". Así decimos NO HAY.

- There´s + not = there isn´t

- There are + not = there aren´t


- There isn´t an apple.

- There aren´t three bananas.

Activity 6: There´s there are

There´s and There are

There´s (para una persona, animal o cosa) and there are (para más de una persona, animal o cosa) significan HAY.


- There´s an apple.

- Thre are three bananas.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Activity 5: Complete with the Present Continuous tense.
Aquí tenéis un vídeo para repasar el Present Continuous. Acordaros que es una forma verbal de algo que estamos haciendo en el momento.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Activity 4: Rewrite in the Past Simple

NOTA: no hace falta que hagas las oraciones interrogativas.

Activity 3: To be past tense

Activity 2: To be past tense.

Activity 1: To be past tense

Activity 1

Terminación "-ed" para verbos regulares en pasado

En este vídeo se explica cómo formamos los verbos regulares en pasado con varios ejemplos. Acordaros que los verbos regulares, como norma general, se le añade -ed final:

I work = Yo trabajo     I worked = Yo trabajé

Recordad que cuando ponemos una tercera persona del singular NO tiene -s o -es en pasado:

She plays = Ella juega     She played = Ella jugaba

Cuando negamos y necesita el verbo principal la ayuda del auxiliar "do", este pasa a "did" y el verbo pasa a su forma original de infinitivo:

You loved = Tú amabas       Did you love? = ¿tú amabas?

Verb "to be" past tense

En este vídeo podréis repasar el verbo "to be" en pasado. Espero que os guste!!

Crisis Coronavirus 2020

Hello! Debido a la actual crisis provocada por el coronavirus, colgaré aquí material diverso para que no os aburráis!